SPEAKHABLA Job Application To apply for a job, please fill out the following form: First Name * Last Name * Email * Phone Number * Current location * Nationality * How did you hear about employment opportunities at SPEAKHABLA? Please check the following boxes confirming you can comply with the requirements for the position. Do you hold a current TEFL/TESOL/CELTA certification? * Yes No Are you a native English speaker? * Yes No Can you commit to a minimum of 6 months teaching? * Yes No What is your current availability? * When is the soonest you are available to start/train? * FILES Resume Please be sure the file is PDF and is saved LastName_FirstName Cover Letter - Optional - Upload Resume * UPLOAD FILE HERE No Choosen File Upload Cover Letter UPLOAD FILE HERE No Choosen File Video Please submit a short less than TWO-minute video, tell us about yourself and why you think you would be a good fit for Speakhabla. Video Upload UPLOAD VIDEO HERE No Choosen File 150mb Message/Comments -- Optional -- APPLY NOW Note: Uploading the video may take some minutes depending on the video's size and your Internet connection, so please do not close the tab or refresh the page. Just wait till you see the green confirmation message. Thank You!